The family leads. If the document is available to order in a paper version, there will be a "Yes" with a link to ordering instructions. 2. Manual guidelines, must be consistent with other county cost reporting methodologies, and must represent actual expenditures incurred during the reconciled year. The ISP will include services to help your child and family meet these outcomes. 448. Pilot county waiver agencies will be responsible for Children’s Long-Term Support ( CLTS) Waiver Program and Children’s Community Options (CCOP) intake following the transition in a phased approach concluded. gov website. This page lists the applications that are used to determine functional and financial eligibility for various programs across the State of Wisconsin. CLTS Code Crosswalk, P-02283. It ensures that kids and families can access services when they need them. An initial ISP was not found. . Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) uses Medicaid funds to offer a range of services. These services support participants and their families to remain in their home or community. For an unspecified period of time prior to August 2016, Petitioner received CLTS services through . How much do manual qa tester jobs pay per hour in milwaukee, wi? $14. Nursing Home Public Meeting - August Presentation. Live at home, in foster care, or in another approved setting. Manual Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waiver Manual for the CLTS Waiver Program, P-02256 (PDF) Summary of Revisions to the Medicaid Home and Community-Based. The . YMCA - Focus on Fathers. Questions and answers are now available for the CLTS Waiver Program and CCOP. CLTS Waiver Program Rate. . 1 New Waiver Agencies When a waiver agency requests an administrative Portal account for. adult family home up to the age of 22. The Children's Long Term Support Waiver Program is a Medicaid program that provides support for children with severe disabilities and their families. 5. So, her support and service coordinator helped find registered CLTS providers who could help remodel the house to be more accessible. gov. allocated to the CLTS Waiver Program following Allowable Cost Policy Manual guidelines. The. Content validity feedback was then elicited from screeners testing the CLTS FS, who were trained as “co-developers” and encouraged to provide feedback on all aspects of the CLTS FS and its instructions. Sunshine Cleaning - Janitorial Services Human Services Buildings. When the federal public health emergency due to COVID-19 is lifted, the U. How to Apply for Children's Long Term Support Waiver Program: You can apply by opening the brochure for contact information. Report Job Load More Job Results. Call 608-266-9198 Fax 608-267-2437 The help desk is open Monday–Thursday, 8:00 a. A complete Waiver Narrative Assessment that meets all criteria outlined in Chapter VI of the Waivers Manual has been completed. … and safety of the people of Wisconsin DHS is reviewing the Children’s Long-Term Support (CLTS) Waiver Program to determine changes for the 2022-2026 federal renewal. 0268. CLTS Waiver funds, contact your county’s Technical Assistance Lead or Tara Sommersberger, Bureau of Children’s Services at the Department of Health Services at tara. CLTS Service Cases By Mitchell Hagopian, Attorney . . If the child is eligible for a type of non-CARES Medicaid such as. English. participant's institutional level of care, consistent with the protocols specified in the approved CLTS Waiver Program. Category Form Number Title Direct Link to Form; Participant Eligibility and Enrollment: F-02319: Home and Community-Based Waiver Medicaid Enrollment for the. chapter of the CLTS Waiver Manual. Apply . Income Maintenance workers should update the Community Waivers page based on the information received from the CLTS case manager. 4 The Screening and Interview Process 1. DHS is committed to protecting the health and safety of our CLTS Waiver Program and CCOP participants and families during the COVID-19 pandemic. CLTS Waiver Program Support services Skill development Adaptive and communication aids Housing-related services Medicaid and CLTS 8. These may be helpful for county waiver agency staff. 96 7% of jobs $18. The CLTS program is not allowed to reimburse for prospective expenses. If you would like to receive emails on CLTS fiscal topics, email us. Note: County: choose the individual county or choose the Statewide option which shows providers who indicated they will serve all 72 counties. CLTS Waiver Program Manual (P-02256) § 10. did not have prior expertise in the area of CLTS Waiver services. The CLTS Waiver Support and Service Coordinator qualifications and responsibilities are described under SPC 604 in Chapter 4 of the Medicaid HCBW Manual. Enter the 10 digit Medicaid number assigned to the person listed on the plan. regulations apply to the provision of waiver funds and services, and the CLTS Waiver Manual must be followed. Wisconsin Waiver and Release From Liability For Adult for Land for Walking Dogs Related Searches. 10/2023. However, because section 1915(c) waivers must be cost neutral, waiting lists exist for individuals seeking access to waiver services. Tiene derecho a que el personal de la agencia de exención se comunique con usted para programar una visita a domicilio dentro de un plazo de 10 días calendario a partir de la fecha de referencia. Wisconsin Medicaid is a state/federal program that provides health coverage for Wisconsin residents who are elderly Anyone 65 years old or older, blind, or disabled or receive WWWMA Wisconsin Well Woman Medicaid. The rate schedule identifies services which may be additionally provided in a group setting. Emergency Will Stop Temporary CLTS Program Policies During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Children's Long-Term Support (CLTS) Program allowed temporary changes to some policies to help families during the pandemic. When the federal public health emergency due to COVID-19 is lifted, the U. Wood County 12/2017 3 In addition to the child care services defined above, CCOP can pay for child care for siblings. Support for a child and their family depends on their specific needs and goals. The CLTS. 0928. CLTS Waiver Program Rate Schedule (P-02184). Wisconsin's CLTS Program provides children with disabilities and their families individualized supports and services that help those children grow and live their best lives in their home and community. CCOP & CLTS. B. . Support and service coordinators at county waiver agencies should know how to: Verify Medicaid coverage. 6. The CLTS Waivers cover a broad range of services, depending upon the child's and family's identified needs. CWAs will resolve disenrollments for these participants no earlier than June 1, 2023, and no later than July 31, 2023, inWaiver Manual for the CLTS Waiver Program P-02256 (04/2021) Page 2 of 179 . PDF. More focus on family needs. If you call outside of these hours,. Waiver Manual for the Children’s Long Term Support (Fuaindor Lamba Thaim Hémayot ollá Cúçide Menual) (CLTS) Waiver (Cúçide) Furgram (P-02256), Ch 8 or kaanun ókkol furagore. Refer to Chapter 4 of the Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waiver Manual for the CLTS Waiver Program, P-02256, for more information on the caregiver definition. in-person services. CLTS Waiver Program Rate Schedule (P-02184). When a CLTS Waiver Program applicant or member reaches 18 years old and their source of Medicaid is HCBW, they must apply for HCBW Medicaid as the primary person. The. Other Fiscal Resources. . Children enrolled in the CLTS Waivers may receive services up to age 22. Eau Claire County Department of Human Services. CLTS Services exceeding the maximum CLTS Waiver program rates . Once the account is created, the user will receive an email with a temporary password. 1b. 3. As a condition of waiver approval, DHS must make satisfactory assurances. This guide can be found in the ForwardHealth Portal under the “Waiver. The CLTS Waiver team is here to processes must occur. Wood County 12/2017 1 2018 Children’s Community Options Program (CCOP) Guidelines If any of the below items/services could potentially be funded through other programs/funding sources they must be looked into first including Children’s Long Term Support (CLTS) Waivers, as CCOP funding is theProviders will use the username and password fields to log in. A Madison, WI 53707predetermined number of participants will be placed in enrollable status each month according to the first-come, first-served policy for. gov Read: Medicaid HCBS Waiver Manual for the CLTS Waiver Program, P-02256 (PDF)—Chapter 1, §1. County waiver2. Medicaid Home and. 1. 32 and all other case management policies outlined in the ForwardHealth Online Handbook. Assist with facilitation of the Continuous Quality Improvement Provider cycle by conducting agency site visits, participating in provider forum meetings, annual provider information. 2. State assurances to CMS. The CLTS Waiver Program is serving more children now than ever before, and the Department of Health Services is recruiting providers to keep. With US Legal Forms, you can select from 85,000 state-specific samples. Learn about the CLTS Waiver Program rate schedule for 2021 and 2022, and how it affects children and youth with disabilities in Wisconsin. Provide support by tracking outcomes of staff audits, CLTS Waiver Manual Implementation, program development, and other processes designed to identify gaps. Overview . If you believe a child has been abused, neglected, or is at risk of abuse or neglect, you should report your concerns to the Children and Family Services Unit at 715-532-2299. When a child is determined eligible for CLTS and the State teams help provide information and support to families, county programs, and community partners. Until then, refer to the approved § 1915(c) waiver application for service definitions, limitations, and provider specifications. The rates in the CLTS rate schedule represent the maximum amounts that can be paid for each service unit without an outlier rate. CLTS Benefits at a Glance 1-15-2020. The selected services for the child are based on an individualized assessment completed by the county waiver agency, which identifies the child’s needs, in consultation with the child’s family. See. (DHS) guidance in the DHS Allowable Cost Policy Manual, only pertain to the provision of SSC services, and do not include costs more appropriately reportedF Net CY 2021 CLTS service expenditures (prior to cutoff date) $ 661,697. The rate schedule identifies services which may be additionally provided in a group setting. Participants’ level of care is re-evaluated annually. A nursing home. For more information on how to use the eINSIGHT system for participant satisfaction surveys, view the eINSIGHT User's Manual, P-00887A (PDF) Below, you can find links to the survey and sample cover letters to send. Provider ManualManual 1. clts waiver manual; clts waivers claim form; wisconsin medicaid waiver program; clts manual pdf; clts provider registry; clts rate schedule; clts crosswalk; long-term care waiver program; gym waiver template; gym waiver of liabilityTraining for service coordinators using the Children's Long-Term Support Functional Screen (CLTS FS) to help guide them in determining if a child is developing typically. com / (608) 242-6301 or. For information specific to children and families, visit the. 1 Program Purpose. The Goal of CLTS 5 P-02283. County waiver agencies must report all actual administrative expenses allocated to the CLTS program, whether they are above or below the 7%. To access the entire schedule, select CLTS. Refer to the CLTS Waiver Program Benefit Code Crosswalk (P-02283) for the specific components of respite care services that may be delivered remotely. This presentation. ) The place where the waiver applicant/participant resides. Children's Long-Term Support Waivers - Statewide Teleconferences for County Waiver AgenciesMost rates represent a ratio of one direct caregiver to one CLTS participant. The CLTS Waiver Program is one of the long-term support programs for children. The goal of the CLTS Waiver Program is to support children with substantial needs, as well as their parents/guardians, by delivering services to assure the child’s health, safety and welfare needs in an inclusive home and community setting. The Children’s Long Term Support (CLTS) and Children’s Community Options Program (CCOP) are two of Wisconsin’s programs that help support children with a long term disability and their families. 10/2022. When reporting an incident, keep in mind these required timeframes: CLTS Contract Documents. Bureau of Children’s ServicesLocked padlock icon) or means you’ve safely connected to the . 04. Wis. About DHS. CLTS Waiver Program Deciding Tog Deciding Together Visual and Instruction: o Toolkit was developed to help counties fully implement Deciding Together. See, online at htp s: /w . . When CLTS Waiver Program resources become available, enrollment and service planning child. You also can view other program information. 1 The waivers covered by this plan are: WI. DHS updated the online system, the CLTS PPS record, wherein all functionally eligible children are managed. PO Box 517 Alma, WI 54610-0517. CLTS Waiver Manual, § 4. 1 User Guides A user can view the hildren’s Long-Term Support (CLTS)-specific user guides by clicking the link under the CLTS User Guides heading on the secure Waiver Agency page. 8. The Portal allows authorized Children’s Long-Term Support (CLTS) users to conduct business through a secure entry point 24 hours a day, seven days a week. b. 05/2023. For use by Children's Long-Term Support (CLTS) waiver agencies. The Children’s Long-Term Support Home and Community-Based Medicaid Waivers (CLTS Waivers) provide a structure in which Medicaid funding is available to support children and their families, using the Deciding. The purpose of this memo is to communicate changes to minimum contact standards for Children’s Long-Term Support (CLTS) Waiver Program and Children’s Community Options Program (CCOP) support and service coordination necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic. A holistic approach to serve kids and families. D. Do not include the place code and modifier for remote service delivery on the service authorization. More info. Updated on November 01, 2023. 2) The initial ISP was developed within 60 calendar days of the date the participant was determined enrollable. Services are available through the CLTS Medicaid Waiver Program. m. Over 14,000 children with disabilities are served through the children's state waiver program. Treatment, supports, and services for young adults living in a licensed . 2023 CLTS Program Benefit Code Crosswalk. Manual Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waiver Manual for the CLTS Waiver Program, P-02256 (PDF) Summary of Revisions to the Medicaid Home and. In other cases when CLTS waiver staff report allegations of child abuse and/or child neglect, child welfare workers may share the outcome of the child welfare assessment with CLTS waiver staff under the authority provided by law if they fall within the provisions set forth in Wis. 2022-Ozaukee-Parent-as-Employee-Handbook Download. • The CLTS waiver services you are seeking to register (You can review the services in the Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services [HCBS] Waiver Manual for the CLTS Waiver Program. This fact sheet provides a description of covered service categories in the CLTS Program. Monitor Medicaid enrollment over time. Last revised May 20, 2022. guidelines and procedures, the Department MA waiver manual, numbered CCOP information bulletins, and the approved county CCOP plans which are by reference part of this contract. (NOTE: The costThis area is intended for qualified service providers currently approved to deliver services, supports, and goods to a CLTS participant. delivered remotely. The CLTS Waivers began in 2003 and were developed as a part of the Children’s Long-Term Support Redesign Project in Wisconsin. Approved CLTS Rates: P-00700 (PDF)Provide support by tracking outcomes of staff audits, CLTS Waiver Manual Implementation, program development, and other processes designed to identify gaps. The online certification course consists of 11 certification exams. CLTS Program Manual. The rates in the CLTS rate schedule represent the maximum amounts that can be paid for each service unit without an outlier rate. To review descriptions of the service(s) you are interested in delivering, including the provider qualification standards for each service, see Chapter 4 of the . The Wisconsin Children’s Long-Term Support (CLTS) Program helps kids with disabilities and their families. The CLTS Waiver team is here to processes must occur. All exams must be successfully completed (a score of 80% or greater) in order to become a certified CLTS FS screener. It also provides vital information when completed and attached to the Disability Determination application. We received federal approval to renew the Children’s Long-Term Support (CLTS) Program. There are trainings for support and service coordinators and others helping kids with disabilities. –4:00 p . No. o Benefits at a Glance Brochure: Positive feedback from council. 1 Introduction. 2. 1, paragraphs 1–3. Being enrolled in any form of full-benefit Medicaid (see Section 21. Numerator= Number of participants whose CLTS Functional Screen was completed annually. Virtual or online schooling is one new challenge that families are facing. The report will run on the first day of the calendar month. 60 Will children’s waiver participants transition into. HIPAA Reminder for Remote Waiver Services. By Kim Graziani, Center for Community Progress. CLTS Waiver Manual for more details about the two levels. wisconsin medicaid waiver program. at what age can a child refuse mental health treatment. An Appendix K, sometimes referred to as a "K Waiver," is limited to changes in the state’s currently approved Section 1915(c) application. The ISP was. PO Box 517 Alma, WI 54610-0517. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) will review your registration and qualifications. Adult Family Home Placement, 1-2. Registration Is Required to Deliver New and Reorganized Services. DHS will share your information with the county waiver agency (ies) (CWAs) in the. CLTS SSC Rate: F-00539 (Excel) Related Resources. This memo communicates permanent policy for remote waiver services for the Children’s Long-Term Support (CLTS) Waiver Program and Children’s Community Options Program (CCOP). Based Services Waivers Manual (Manual) to assist in administering the CLTS program. They are also attached. Completing a Functional Screen for CLTS. DHS updated the online system, the CLTS PPS record, wherein all functionally eligible children are managed. 30, 2020, as outlined in DMS Numbered Memo. wi. The new issue of the All in for Kids newsletter: CLTS is now available online in English, Hmong, and Spanish. Each service has unique credentialing criteria that you will need to include with your registration. 54 86. o 108 individuals attended across three sessions. The CLTS Waiver Program is one of the long-term support programs for children. CLTS Waiver Enrollment Bureau of Children's Long Term Support Services Wisconsin Department of Health Services Conversion • The EES conversion will include all CLTS waiver participants enrolled in our CLTS database on or after July 1, 2017. In 2019, the Children's Long-Term Support Waiver program, administered by the Milwaukee County DHHS Disabilities Services Division, went to a digital-first records tracking system to better serve parents with children enrolled in CLTS and their providers. • Read: Medicaid HCBS Waiver Manual for the CLTS Waiver Program, P-02256 (PDF) —Chapter 4, §4. 3 Protecting the Family’s Information and Rights 1. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services submitted an Appendix K application for the Children’s Long-Term Support (CLTS) Waiver, which was initially approved by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on May 20, 2020, and approved with an extended. See, online at htp s: /w . This training manual is complemented by other standardized documents developed by the. Long Term Care Financing Wisconsin Department of Health Services Rene Eastman, Section Chief Nursing Home Policy and Rate Setting Section Division of Long Term Care Jim Robinson, Director Center for. CLTS. Wee offer all training in matching with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)-approved §1915(c) home and community. Updated on November 01, 2023. $ 81. The CLTS Waiver Program provides a structure within which Medicaid funding is available to support children and youth who live at home or in the community and have substantial. To apply for the CLTS Waiver please call (920) 459-0368 or Email Us to request an application. All kids in the Children’s Long-Term Support (CLTS) Program must qualify for Medicaid. Supports and services for children in. 2. Manual Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waiver Manual for the CLTS Waiver Program, P-02256 (PDF) Summary of Revisions to the Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services Waiver Manual for the Children’s Long-Term Support. Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waiver Manual for the CLTS Waiver Program, P-02256, in the first quarter of 2022. State assurances to CMS. The service plan is subject to the approval of the Medicaid agency. CLTS is a Medicaid Home and Community-Based Waiver Program that enables children and youth with disabilities to live at home and participate in family and community life rather than reside in an institution or nursing home. 28. If your call is after hours, please contact the Rusk County Sheriffs Department at 715-532-2200 and. b. We call the process continuous enrollment. 28. Course Completion and Certification: Upon completion, you will receive: A certificate of completion noting 12. (CLTS) Waiver Program? The CLTS Waiver Program provides funding and support for families who have children with disabilities, who are Medicaid eligible, so they can care for their children at home and participate in their communities. All allowable services under the CLTS Waiver are available regardless of enrollment intoIf a child is eligible for Waiver services and funds are available, the child will be assigned a Service Coordinator. pdf. CLTS is a Waiver that provides Medicaid funding for children who have substantial limitations in their daily activities and need support to. Some CLTS Waiver Program participants may not be eligible for ALTC programs at age 18. A user can view all userRCOC - Birth to Three Early Intervention Services (1) Smigo - Nutrition Meal Provider. Once you have a general estimate of the average going rate for house sitting in. Some CLTS Waiver Program participants may not be eligible for ALTC programs at age 18. Last revised November 21, 2023. com / (608) 242-6225 or. P-02184-2023-10. All kids in the Children’s Long-Term Support (CLTS) Program must qualify for Medicaid. • Items and aids to support environmental regulation assessed as necessary for theHome and Community Based Services Manual . • The CLTS waiver services you are seeking to register (You can review the services in the Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services [HCBS] Waiver Manual for the CLTS Waiver Program. “The entire process was really stress free. If you are initially approved, DHS will add your information to the public CLTS Provider Directory. To determine if your child is eligible, call the CLTS referral line — 920. 1-4. The functional eligibility is determined for Adult, Children's and Mental Health programs. These may be helpful for county waiver agency staff. Numerator= Number of participants whose CLTS Functional Screen was completed annually. A parental fee based on the family’s income may apply. 14. Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waiver Manual for the CLTS Waiver Program 137. CLTS cost shares and FICA tax refunds both represent circumstances where existing CLTS service data indicates higher expenditures than may be reimbursed under the CLTS Waiver. Waiver Program . 1. Varying townships. Angela: radloff. Through a partnership between the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) and countyFebruary 10, 2022: CLTS Waiver Renewal; defining roles, activities, resources for CLTS FS Leads. The CLTS Waiver Program provides funding and support for families who have children with disabilities, who are Medicaid eligible, so they can care for their children at home and #2 in our series on the Children’s Long-Term Support Waiver Print - English / Print - Spanish What is the Children’s Long-Term Support (CLTS) Waiver Program? The. Participants’ level of care is re-evaluated annually. xml ¢ ( Ä•ËnÂ0 E÷•ú ‘· 1°¨ªŠÀ¢ e‹Tú Æž ¨ñCöðúûNHˆª *DÝDJfî½gìH3šlt À‡Üš„ â>‹ÀH«r³HØçìµ÷À¢€Â(QX ÛB`“ñíÍh¶u "R› ° Ñ=r d Z„Ø:0TI× éÕ/¸ òK,€ ûý{. As a reminder, agencies must adhere to Wis. . The consultant will explain the children’s programs available, the benefits of the program and eligibility process. wisconsin probation and parole manual. This program provides. The intent of expanding available child care services under CCOP is to support the family system with respect to an Providers will use the username and password fields to log in. When CLTS Waiver Program resources become available, enrollment and service planning child. S. 06/2022. This fact sheet provides an overview of the CLTS Program. Registering with the Department of Health Services (DHS) is the first step in becoming an. Who is eligible for the CLTS Waivers? The CLTS Waivers are available to The CLTS eligibility and enrollment policy is in the . 1. The CWA removes children’s names from CLTS Program, by entering an end date in PPS: • When the child enrolls Child Protective Services, and the child is receiving CLTS Waiver Program services, the family would pay the higher of the two assessed programs. The Children’s Long-Term Support (CLTS) Program helps children with disabilities and their families through supports and services that help children grow and. Public input . On July 1, 2019, the Children’s Long-Term Support (CLTS) Waiver Program began to use statewide rates for specific services to comply with federal regulations. Funding may be used to support aLa autorización de servicios a través del CLTS Waiver Program (Programa de exención de CLTS) debe ser coordinada con otras fuentes de financiamiento. Adult family home. CLTS Waiver Program that you receive beginning on the original effective date of a notice of adverse action up to and including the date of the appeal hearing decision. (See Family Voices of Wisconsin CLTS Fact Sheet #5. Most rates represent a ratio of one direct caregiver to one CLTS participant. 1 New Waiver Agencies When a waiver agency requests an administrative Portal account for the first time, an agency For use by Children's Long-Term Support (CLTS) waiver agencies. Federal and state privacy and confidentiality protections prevent the. Requested Approval Period: (For new waivers requesting five year approval periods, the waiver must serve individuals who are dually eligible for Medicaid and Medicare. , support and service coordinators, or SSCs) but need not be on the required forms. The ISP was. CLTS Waiver Manual (P-02256). You can also contact our Access and Eligibility Worker at 920-674-8713 or email the CLTS Children's Referral inbox at CLTSChildReferral@jeffersoncountywi. 01, 2022. The Katie Beckett Program is a special. Registration Is Required to Deliver New and Reorganized Services. § 48. The Portal allows authorized Children’s Long-Term Support (CLTS) users to conduct business through a secure entry point 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Diseases & Conditions. The CLTS TPA payments reported in Appendix B should align with t he funding information as represented in the CLTS service claims data* as of the established CLTS cutoff date. The state approves or disapproves each CLTS-W application and service plan that is submitted by the county. CCOP & CLTS - Referrals 920-448-7884. In 2022, the federal government restored the CLTS Program with five more years. County waiver agencies (CWAs) must work with families to affirm their acceptance of remote service during this health. 5. Provider Communications. Last revised. 3. . 02 State Medcadi Agency Authority Revises language outlining the federal mandate that DHS,8. Allowable items may include the following (items listed are illustrative examples and not an exhaustive list): • Items and aids designed to augment a professional therapy or treatment plan. The child also has to be on a form of Medicaid to be eligible for CLTS. Category Form Number Title Direct Link to Form; Participant Eligibility and Enrollment: F-02319: Home and Community-Based Waiver Medicaid Enrollment for the Children's Long-Term Support Waiver ProgramCLTS Waiver funding can be used to support a range of community services that assist the child to live successfully at home and in the community. ross@countyofdane. Each service has unique credentialing criteria that you will need to include with your registration. To access the entire schedule, select CLTS. County Contacts Enter the names, title, and contact information for county staff or management members for the family to contact if they have screen questions or grievance issues. When a child meets the crisis criteria (see the Waiver Manual), they must be enrolled in the waiver and all waiver-allowable supports are billed to the CLTS Waiver Program. The CLTS Waiver Program is serving more children now than ever before, and the Department of Health Services is recruiting providers to keep up with demand. The CLTS Waiver supports over 10,000 children with developmental disabilities, physical disabilities, and/orA waiver lets states use Medicaid to fund additional non-medical services and supports not normally offered.